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Sinus Solace and Ear Candling

About Sinus Solace and Ear Candling
Sinus Solace
Many sinusitis symptoms mimic the common cold, and there are thousands of people who suffer from this painful inflammation of the sinuses each year and are on constant high alert when it comes to that cold or allergy that will lead to another nasty sinus infection.
Signs of sinus infection:
Inflamed sinus will show itself as severe pressure that feels like a dull, throbbing pain behind the eyes or cavities behind the forehead, nasal bones, and cheeks.
Congestion - many people will complain that there head feels heavy. This occurs when the sinus pathways become so congested with mucus that they're unable to drain, resulting in congestion pressure on the nerves of the face.
Tooth pain across the top teeth is common to those with sinus infection. What you're feeling isn't actually tooth pain, but pressure in the area due to inflammation of the sinus membranes.
Dizziness because the sinus membranes become extremely inflamed and congested, it makes perfect sense that you will feel off balance, particularly if you bend your head forward or stand up too quickly.
Decreased smell and taste - difficulty breathing through the nose due to blocked or inflamed sinuses will often lead to decreased sense of smell and taste.
Headache - a nasty sinus headache caused by increased sinus pressure can linger for days, as the tissues become inflamed and the muscles tighten around the eyes and forehead.
A one hour treatment, consisting of a sinus pressure point facial, ear candling and sinus points pressed on the feet or hands, is a very popular treatment for sinus sufferers!
Hopi Ear Candling
Also known as Thermo Auricular Therapy. Hopi ear candles are named after the Hopi tribe; American Indians respected for their knowledge and experience of healing techniques and their spirital peace loving life style. Hopi translated means ' peaceful one'.
Although the techniques used today are derived from the Hopi tribe, Thermo auricular theropy dates back centuries when it was used by the Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. Hopi Ear candles are hand made structures. They are hollow tubes moulded from natural linen fabric impregnated with honey and powdered Indian medicinal herbs including : - Sage, St John's Wart and Camomile.
The process involves placing a specially designed hollow candle just inside the ear canal. The candle is then lit and the resulting gentle suction draws the impurities from the ear. A fire crackling sound may be heard and possibly some gentle popping. The rising air gently massages the ear drum and helps regulate ear pressure. A small amount of ear wax is also removed during treatment.
A soothing sinus and facial massage concludes this relaxing treatment.
Conditions which may benefit from Hopi Ear Candling Treatment:
Glue ear
Hay Fever and Rhinitis
Excessive ear wax
General hearing loss
Tension Headaches
Travel Sickness
Meniere's Disease
The only contra-indications listed for this treatment include perforated eardrums, where grommets have been inserted or allergies to any of the ingredients in the ear candles.
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